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Sister 2 Sister was founded in 1997 at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor by a group of young African-American women. These women decided that it was time for women of color to be able to be apart of a safe haven where they could discuss their issues. Sister 2 Sister is not only a sisterhood, but an organization that serves the community. We believe that in order to give back to our own communties, we must first unite across campus as minority women.


Almost fourteen years later, Sister 2 Sister continues to grow past the handful of women we first started with. We have over one hundred members, comprised of freshman, sophomores, juniors, and seniors from a collection of different backgrounds and socioeconomic incomes. We continue to be a staple to the community here in Ann Arbor through our events and our service. And we will continue to live out our mission for years to come!!

"Sisters are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly".



We welcome women to support our organization by becoming a member and contributing their opinions. Our meetings are typically every other Sunday at 6pm in locations around campus.


Our first mass meeting is September 15th. 


Because S2S was founded to enrich the lives of African-American women within this campus community through dialogue and service to the larger community, we cannot do this without you.  We have expanded to enrich the lives of people from all cultures with an emphasis on multiculturalism. Join the Sistah's.



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